Same Old Same Old

I see on page 6A of this morning's Noise & Disturber that wars are still raging in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In Iraq, two US soldiers were killed and six others wounded yesterday by a soldier in the Iraqi army. Yes, that would be the same Iraqi army that the coalition forces (MNF-I) are helping train to defend a democratic Iraq. Technically, these fatalities qualify as death by friendly fire but it still brings the total number of coalition solders killed in Iraq to 4509 and the number wounded to somewhere north of 30,000.

Coalition bombers struck targets in Baghdad yesterday, killing 23 people. That brings the number of Iraqis killed to ... well ... we don't keep track of that kind of thing. Various organization who do place the number of war-related Iraqi deaths somewhere between 30,000 and 600,000, with 100,000 being a commonly cited number.

Over in Afghanistan, six people died and 42 were wounded in civil strife when a bomb leveled five houses and produced a crater 15 feet deep. The bombing is attributed to the Taliban who were expelled from the government of Afghanistan some seven years ago following the 911 attacks.

Meanwhile, Osama bin Laden remains on the loose 2500-plus days and $1,000,000,000,000 (give or take a few billion) after the 911 terrorist attacks killed 2974 people on US soil. I cannot help but believe that the job of killing or capturing him could be finished a great deal quicker and cheaper had it was outsourced to, say, the Mafia. The lessons of Vietnam are apparently completely lost on the administrative branch of our government charged with the waging of wars.

Oh well, at least the Straussians have been successful in their goal for the US of A to maintain a perpetual state of war somewhere in the world.


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