Terry Light

I received a phone call today from Big Jim with the news that one of our long-time barbecue buddies, Terry Light, has recently died in the Washington, DC suburb of Oak Hill, VA. According to Adams-Green Funeral Home in nearby Herndon who are handling arrangements, no obituary will be published and no public funeral services will be held. Condolences may be sent to Terry's family though the funeral home.

Terry, shown here holding the "guest of honor" at the 6th Annual Remlik Corn, Crab, and Q Feast in 1999, was a delightful fellow who enjoyed growing heirloom tomatoes in addition to making barbecue and eating Dan Gill's country hams. He has been in poor health for the last several years. The CFO and I last saw Terry over breakfast at the Dragon Run Inn following Dan's shindig this past summer. The thing I'll always remember him for, however, is kissing that goat!

Rest in peace, Old Sport.


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