Trail Markers

When I visited Tony Avent's gardens in Juniper Level I was blown away by his use of out-of-context objects at unexpected places throughout his gardens. That gave me the idea to do a similar thing but as markers at abrupt turns on my Sunset Trail. Here are the objects in place. They are likely to change as new "junk" and new "ideas" become available.

"Spring in Air Bellows" with junkyard truck spring.

"Take This Job And Shovel It" with spade from scrap metal yard.

"Alleghany Nutcracker" with broken vise from India.

"Edward Was Here" with hedge shears from scrap metal yard.

"Woods Tulip" with horseshoes from dump.

"Call of the Wild" with 50¢ phone from Alleghany Cares thrift shop.

"Magic Mushroom" with 25¢ cooking utensil from thrift shop.

"Mountain Bike" from junk yard.

"Windows BM (Before Microsoft)" from thrift shop.

"Blue Ridge Mountain Flamingo" found in basement.

"The Woods" with 50¢ golf clubs from thrift shop.


  1. I want some of those "flowers"!!!! Very cute!


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