
Some of you have asked about the restaurant in Asheville where Matteo is the chef de cuisine. Well, the new version of the restaurant is now open, all three floors of it — kitchen, dining room, banquet room. It's called Scratch and is located at 109 Broadway. Go to here for the website. The site is a work in progress but you can make online reservation there.

The location is in downtown Asheville, just off the freeway and easy to find.

Here's a picture of the restaurant building (center, from Google maps) before Scratch moved in.

Moving a restaurant is a big deal. Indeed, Matteo had this Wednesday and Thursday off, the first days since Thanksgiving when the move began. Since then it has been nothing but 80-hour weeks.

The CFO and I (along with Biscuit and her mother) are going to Scratch for their Valentine's Day Bash.


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