The Big Tease

On my drive to the flatlands I espied things that only happen in the springtime: daffodils blooming, plumb tree in blossom, empty gun racks in pickup trucks. Sorta gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling all over.

Back on the hill I looked for similar signs and found some. The shoots of Lenten Rose are pushing through and the moss is turning its bright spring green. Fuzzy buds can be seen on the apple trees and the nodes on the grape vines reminded me to prune them today. I take it that the crows are mating or else have found a bountiful supply of speed.

Then reality hit home. The low temperature for tonight is expected to be 31°F. The frozen precipitation arrives on Thursday in the form of ice pellets. The only comfort is that 31°F is the expected low each night.

Which reminds me that a fellow came into the shop today who had tried to plant fence posts. The ground had thawed six inches down. Then it was frozen earth all the way to China.

I love/hate that garden hose.


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