
So what about the concept of soul?

The answer to the soul question was easy for me: the soul in us is the tiny piece of the "unknowable supreme everything" in the collection of atoms that is each of us.

Does a rock have a soul?

Absolutely! It's soul is nothing more than another tiny piece of the "unknowable supreme everything" in the collection of atoms that is the rock.

And, you may ask, what happens to your soul when you die?

Well, the bits and pieces of it associated with each atom simply transforms into, and becomes part of, the new collection of atoms your body becomes when you die. And, who knows, some of them may even become part of a rock! Yes, old souls are "recycle" into make new souls.

Indeed, you have a soul, the rock has a soul,the earth has a soul, and the universe (of which you and the rock and the earth are a part) has a soul. This, of course, leads to souls within souls within souls. Where does it end? In everything, of course.

Finally, how do these souls relate to the "unknowable supreme everything"?

Easy. The sum of all souls IS the "unknowable supreme everything". Mathematically speaking that would be:

Σ s = God

where s = souls
and God = "unknowable supreme everything"



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