Education Pirates on the North Carolina Coast
I'm hopping mad!

I read a comment today on facebook written by a freshman at East Carolina "University" stating with glee that she had learned to clog in her freshman English class today.
Yes, THAT clogging ... the folk dance.
Now, I ask you, what in hell has clogging got to do with learning the English language? And why is my tax money being spent to subsidize a "university" that apparently allows clogging to be taught in freshman English?
I've written to the Head of the English Department at ECU asking whether this is a normal thing to do in freshman English and if the "university" condones it. I'm looking forward to his reply.
But, wait, it gets worse.
Her freshman English — one of the most important classes a college student will ever take — is being taught at ECU by ... gulp! ... a GRADUATE STUDENT who lacks even the training, experience or certification of a high school English teacher.
We have dumbed down our public high schools to the extent that they have become the laughingstock of the academic world and now we apparently are doing the same thing with our public institutions of higher learning.
Makes you wonder if the Chinese will allow clogging lessons in freshman Chinese classes when they become our masters, don't it?

I read a comment today on facebook written by a freshman at East Carolina "University" stating with glee that she had learned to clog in her freshman English class today.
Yes, THAT clogging ... the folk dance.
Now, I ask you, what in hell has clogging got to do with learning the English language? And why is my tax money being spent to subsidize a "university" that apparently allows clogging to be taught in freshman English?
I've written to the Head of the English Department at ECU asking whether this is a normal thing to do in freshman English and if the "university" condones it. I'm looking forward to his reply.
But, wait, it gets worse.
Her freshman English — one of the most important classes a college student will ever take — is being taught at ECU by ... gulp! ... a GRADUATE STUDENT who lacks even the training, experience or certification of a high school English teacher.
We have dumbed down our public high schools to the extent that they have become the laughingstock of the academic world and now we apparently are doing the same thing with our public institutions of higher learning.
Makes you wonder if the Chinese will allow clogging lessons in freshman Chinese classes when they become our masters, don't it?
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