facebook Demographics

I've been spending way too much time on facebook lately because I am fascinated by the dynamics and the scope of the thing.

It consists of two major populations — male and female — and fits the stereotypes perfectly for the most part. For the females it's all about creature comforts and fun and emotions. Indeed, my guess is that "fun" is the noun most used by women. "Love" is certainly the most commonly used verb. And, as for adjectives, "yummy" and "cute" are in a dead heat for most popular.

The guys, on the other hand, it's all a about doing things. So the big verbs are "did" and "went". Probably the most popular noun is "food" in one form or another. Guys are less descriptive and no particular adjective stands out except maybe "lots".

Photographs are also different for men and women. For men it's mostly outdoor stuff. For women it's "cute" kids and "yummy" indoor stuff. You can sort out who posted what pictures with reading the names or descriptions!

What I like about facebook is that I can keep in touch with five different groups of people: (1) family, (2) the Cary crowd, (3) the Alleghany County crowd (4) the old "Skunk Works" gang, and (5) the old barbecue gang.

Unlike the old email listservers which typically covered a single subject, facebook has no limitation on the scope of subjects.

What I don't like about facebook is that the broadcast of your comments to everyone whether they want them or not. This blog is much better because if you are reading this it is bacause you want to!


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