Holy Cows

Now one of the most interesting things about living in Alleghany County is that you never know what to expect. I certainly didn't expect to see a flock of cows  ... can 8 cows be a herd? ... ambling down the road in front of the house this morning as I was leaving to get another another load of mulch.

I had a good idea who's they were. He was mowing hay but his wife sent his sister and her husband over. I found them (the cows)  a nice patch of clover to munch on (and it is pretty much nonstop munching) until the cowhands arrived. The cows heard their truck coming and immediately began moving toward it. Food! As I was leaving ahead of them, I saw the cows following their truck up the hill, on the way back to their pasture. Cows, I would say, ain't the brightest lights in the hall.


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