Much Mulch

I've been hauling and spreading mulch for the past two days.

[caption id="attachment_1498" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="This pile of mulch is a good 8 feet high from ground level and goes maybe 150 feet back from the face."][/caption]

No, that's not my mulch pile. It's the one at the Alleghany County "Transfer Facility" (Dump) made from all the stuff like tree limbs, stumps, old lumber, fence posts, wooden pallets, etc that have been ground up from time to time in one of those huge mulch grinders. Now, it's not the greatest mulch in the world, but it FREE for the taking. Just drive up in your truck and this huge front-end loader pick up a scoop and puts a part of it in your truck bed. (You don't want the whole scoop unless you are driving a dump truck.) Turns out it is free because the county must dispose of it one way or the other. Giving it away is better than paying someone to haul it away.

So if you need mulch ...


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