Human civilization grew out creation of social group for formed providing security for all. To function it required conformity to codes of conduct common to all.Today we know these codes of conduct as social ethics. The system has worked remarkably well and today have a multiple social groups with their own set of ethics existing often within a common larger social group. For example, we citizens living in cities, within counties, within states, within the United States .Within the States we have citizens living within social, cultural, political and economic groups. And a certain amount of conformity must exist for members of each group to live in peace and harmony.
But Betrand Russell noted that many, if not most, innovations originate with the nonconformist in society. The conforming herd provides little. Examples of nonconformist in philosophy include Socrates, Spinoza and Ayn Rand. In science we have Galileo, Einstein and Feynman. In religion we have Jesus of Nazareth and Martin Luther. In politics we have Lenin, Gandhi and Hitler. In art we have Monet, Picasso, and Basquiat. Etc, etc, etc.
But we have also found that innovations are not always an advantage to the conforming society. The argument that innovations by Jesus of Nazareth, Lenin and Hitler were not beneficial to mankind.This, of course, is the concern of Conservative politicians who urge caution and restrain in adopting change.
We have observed great changes in our society resulting from the invention of the transistor including communication, information technology, computer science, computer gaming, the Internet and social social media. It yet remains to be seem if in the long run these changes are beneficial or harmful.
I hold that a certain amount of nonconformity is essential in a society but we must be careful that the innovations that arise from it are not a detriment to our society. Just being new is not sufficient for acquiesce.
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