Now and Change and Time
There is but one "time" as such and that time is the present, the "now". There is no other "now". There is no other "present". There is no other "time".
Past time does not exist. It has never existed. How can it exist if only the present exist? We can only know of the changes that occurred when the past was the "now". Only those changes can persist into the present.
Future time does not exists. How can it exist if only the present exist? We can only only predict changes we are undergoing in the present "now" that may persist .
What links past "nows" and future "nows" is change and change has can only happened to the present "now". Changes in the future "nows" can be predicted based on past "nows" but those predictions will always possess some degree of uncertain.
No such a thing as "passage of time" exists. Only the " result -- the reality -- of change" exists.
We can observe the position of a sailing ship on the water and know its position "now" but that tells us nothing about its position at some past "now" or its its position at some at some future "now". Similarly, we can observe a photograph showing the position of a sailing ship on the water taken at some past "now" and compare it to the position of the current "now" and know its change in position. But we can know nothing of the "now" when the photograph was taken because "time" only exists in the "now" as the now.
What we can do is measure changes in one thing relative to the change in another, say the number of "ticks" a clock makes as its hands make as it moves from one position to another. But that is not "time" at all. It's just a abstraction we know as a number. All we know is that the position of the ship changed from from here to there simultaneously as the hands of the clock changed from there from here to there.
Only the changes themselves are real. "Time" is but the passage of sand through an hourglass as it changes position from the top to bottom of the hourglass of "now".
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