Consciousness and Images of Reality
Our consciousness of reality is informed in large by the imagery formed in our brain from sensory inputs created by electromagnetic radiation captured by our eyes. And, that consciousness image of reality is largely much like the man in the middle of the image above.
We "see" the man in the middle because our eyes are a sensitive to the specific material property of wavelength of light. But you don't actually "see" the man because you only "see" the light reflected of him. The main and his clothes are, in fact, invisible.
The man on the right gives an entirely different perception of reality because it was created from the infrared light radiating from his body. The infrared light is carrying heat energy from his warmer to the cooler air surround him.
And, the man on the left yields the perception of reality as an image created by a higher energy form of light we call X-rays.The images is created when X-rays passing through the body encounter areas of greater ability to absorb the X-rays which appear darker in the image.
Three different consciousnesses of the same reality -- a human body -- are created by the same kind of information carrier -- electromagnetic radiation -- with the only difference being how the light of different wavelengths -- energy content -- interacts with the body. Some goes straight though our bodies invisible body, some bounces off our invisible body and so is radiated from our invisible body.
And the images of reality they produce in our conscious mind are very, very different. Nature is very selective of what it allows us to be conscious of and hides the greater part of reality from us.
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