Consciousness and the Neker Cube
So here are two cubes with 8 edges and 6 faces. Suppose that they are cubes of clear glass such that all 8 edges are always visible. To make things a little easier to follow, suppose one face of the cube is shaded for use in keeping track of where it is. Now we describe the faces as back, front, right and left top and bottom.
Now looking at only the cube on the left, is the shaded face the front or back of the cube? What does your conscious awareness inform you is the case? In actuality, the shaded face can be either but your conscious mind will inform you of only one of then at at a time. (If you are having trouble visualizing both of them, look at the representation of them at the bottom with the back surface shaded gray.)
Can you make your perception of the two orientation flip-flap between the two?
Now, WITHOUT looking at the image of the cubes again, in which orientation was the cube on the right when you first viewed both of them? Lost consciousness of it? Did you ever have consciousness of an orientation? Or do you only remember that there was a cube present on the right?
But now looking at only the cube on the right ,of which orientation of the cube do you have conscious awareness? Is the tinted side on the front or back surface or on the right side. Does it share a side with either of those of the image on the left?
Next, looking at only the cube on the left, is its orientation the same as when you last viewed it or has it changed? Do you remember which orientation it was?
In reality, both cubes have one and only orientation. Only your conscious mind creates the illusion of four orientations. And you consciousness gave you three false impression and only one a correct impression.
But which one of the four was the correct conscious perception?
Consciousness is, indeed, a poor substitute for the reality of existence.
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