Be Still My Heart

In a conscious effort to avoid accidentally killing myself on the mountain bike, I gave my cardiologist a call to determine what my heatbeat should be while riding.

Here's the math:

A = 220 - Age = Maximum Heartbeat Rate Allowed (Translation: At 220 years of age you are dead because you have no heartbeat!)

B = Heartbeat rate before you get out of bed in the morning (Translation: If the value is zero you are already dead because you have no heartbeat.)

C = A - B

D = 0.75 x C

E = D + B = Target Exercise Heartbeat Rage (Provided, of course, that A, B and C are all positive, non-zero numbers.)

For me that comes to about 160 beats/minute maximum and 140 beats/minute sustained.

Hmmmm. Be still, my heart. Maybe I can buy a lower set of gears for the bike.

Or, perhaps a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.


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