Yes, Indeed
George Salmi of Cary comments in a follow-up letter in today's Noise and Disturber:
Yes, indeed.
Sure hope that I'm long gone before Cary annexes Air Bellows. Of course, now, it could be mighty interesting to listen to the dialog when the City Manager tells a dairy farmer that he cannot paint his barn roof red or that he must convert 10% of his pasture land into green space because running a dairy is a commerical enterprise. My guess is that either one would result in gunfire of one kind or another!
"I truly laughed out load after reading the Durham reader's suggestion to move Yankee soldier John Dolson's gave to Cary. I suggest that will not be necessary. Given enough time, Cary will simply annex the cemetery."
Yes, indeed.
Sure hope that I'm long gone before Cary annexes Air Bellows. Of course, now, it could be mighty interesting to listen to the dialog when the City Manager tells a dairy farmer that he cannot paint his barn roof red or that he must convert 10% of his pasture land into green space because running a dairy is a commerical enterprise. My guess is that either one would result in gunfire of one kind or another!
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