Some $%#$%^& smoke detector is chirping because the backup battery is low, And, as I'm listening to determine which one it is, I hear something making the sound of a telegraph key sending Morse Code. It's my newly repaired cell phone going back and forth between Speaker Phone and not. I cannot stop it but it quits when the battery runs down. Then I notice that the weather station clock is running about 7 minutes late and I can find nothing that tells me how to reset it. I try downloading the manual but my Adobe Reader isn't working. I try downloading a new Reader but it will not install. So I get the telephone number for the weather station manufacturer. But after charging, the phone will only turn on and off, the same problem that just took 6 weeks to get repaired. So, off I go to the cell phone store in Sparta. Seems there is no "Lemon Law" for electronics. Off it goes for another six weeks or so and I'm left with a loaner about the size of a Mac truck.
But, I was cool, calm and collected. Electronics is great stuff when it works.
Seeking to avoid encountering any more equipment malfunctions this day, I headed out from Sparta to the drug store in Jefferson by way of US-221. Interesting road. It has more curves than Marilyn Monroe and very few straight stretches of over a hundred yards. A Federal highway, it stops three times before you get to Jefferson for State highways NC-139, NC-16 and NC-88.
Now if you look at the road maps, you will find a town named Scottville located on US-221 near the Alleghany-Ashe county line. But, when you get there, you will find no Scottville. Nothing. Nada. But, just after I crossed the bridge over the New River, I came upon the New River General Store. I had to stop.
Seems it was something of Mast General Store but on a Scottville scale. Neat place with New River General Store tee shirts, real topo maps and other hard-to-find items for sale. I bought a Winston-Salem newspaper for a quarter and a nice old basket for serving biscuits for two bucks. I asked where Scottville was and was told I was there. I asked how Scottville got its name and nobody had a clue. They asked where I was from and I told them Air Bellows. No one had ever heard of it so I told them it was in Whitehead and one fellows recognized the name but couldn't place it.
Now the town of Whitehead is four inches wide, the width of the sign post. But Scottville, well, it doesn't even have a sign post. but, then again, we don't have a quaint Whitehead General Store.
But, I was cool, calm and collected. Electronics is great stuff when it works.
Seeking to avoid encountering any more equipment malfunctions this day, I headed out from Sparta to the drug store in Jefferson by way of US-221. Interesting road. It has more curves than Marilyn Monroe and very few straight stretches of over a hundred yards. A Federal highway, it stops three times before you get to Jefferson for State highways NC-139, NC-16 and NC-88.
Now if you look at the road maps, you will find a town named Scottville located on US-221 near the Alleghany-Ashe county line. But, when you get there, you will find no Scottville. Nothing. Nada. But, just after I crossed the bridge over the New River, I came upon the New River General Store. I had to stop.
Seems it was something of Mast General Store but on a Scottville scale. Neat place with New River General Store tee shirts, real topo maps and other hard-to-find items for sale. I bought a Winston-Salem newspaper for a quarter and a nice old basket for serving biscuits for two bucks. I asked where Scottville was and was told I was there. I asked how Scottville got its name and nobody had a clue. They asked where I was from and I told them Air Bellows. No one had ever heard of it so I told them it was in Whitehead and one fellows recognized the name but couldn't place it.
Now the town of Whitehead is four inches wide, the width of the sign post. But Scottville, well, it doesn't even have a sign post. but, then again, we don't have a quaint Whitehead General Store.
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