Christmas 2007 (Complete)
Christmas morning broke with enough water for everyone to have a shower and wash the dishes. I put the brined 20-pound turkey in Sidney at 6:00 and it was ready to rock and roll at 1:00. We left for the flatlands of Clemmons about 2:30 and enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner at my sister's house. Kyle, of course, stole the show.

Second cousin Daphodyl shows her baby-handling skills.

Great Uncle Joe and Great Aunt Janie (Sis) join in.

Second Cousin Christopher, now in medical school, looks on somewhat apprehensively.
We learned that Kyle has begun the teething process and loves to chew on Grandpa's finger as if it were a juicy steak bone. Failing that, his own thumb or his new, bright green teething ring are acceptable alternatives.

Thriller returned to Raleigh with Dana last evening. At noon today Kyle and his parents left for Baltimore with Daisy. Down from five canine intruders on her space to the normal two, Suzy Q has ventured downstairs for the first time since Saturday.
Think I'll go have a nice long shower.

Second cousin Daphodyl shows her baby-handling skills.

Great Uncle Joe and Great Aunt Janie (Sis) join in.

Second Cousin Christopher, now in medical school, looks on somewhat apprehensively.
We learned that Kyle has begun the teething process and loves to chew on Grandpa's finger as if it were a juicy steak bone. Failing that, his own thumb or his new, bright green teething ring are acceptable alternatives.

Thriller returned to Raleigh with Dana last evening. At noon today Kyle and his parents left for Baltimore with Daisy. Down from five canine intruders on her space to the normal two, Suzy Q has ventured downstairs for the first time since Saturday.
Think I'll go have a nice long shower.
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