Body Parts

I have now experienced the surgical removal of parts of my body twice during my lifetime and have no recollection of the loss of any of the parts.

The first loss occurred at a very tender age while I was fully awake, most likely screaming at full volume. Most of us simply cannot recall anything, however painful, when our age is still being measured in hours. I mean someone had only recently clipped the lifeline to my food and oxygen supply, and now this. What kind of world had I entered?

The second loss happened during my recently colonoscopy when two polyps were removed. I have no recollection of this second loss as a result of the Versed, an amnesia drug, injected into my veins during the procedure. However, unlike the first loss, this one was by prearranged consent and at the discretion of the doctor involved. Hell, I even had to sign a legal document, witnessed by Nurse Betty, giving permission for the doctor to permanently remove a part of my body. That's a little scary if they think about it. How am I to know that he's not fabricating a Frankenstein down in his basement?

Anyhow, two small polyps were removed from my colon and sent off to a laboratory in New York staffed by a group of pathologists, all with names I cannot fathom how to pronounce. Their report is as follows:

Hyperplastic: These are very common and rarely cause symptoms and are very unlikely to give rise to colon cancer. Your polyps were removed.
I am so glad that they remained removed and were not surgically reattached after examination as it is bad enough that I now will be having a colonoscopy every three years, rather than five.

Ah, the prices we pay for living in one of the industrialized nations where 90% of the world's polyps are to be found.


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