How May I Serve You?

The coffee shop kicked up into a new gear today even as I am struggling to finish construction and gain my sea legs. Yet, in a certain way, today was my first somewhat "normal" day

The first customers this morning were a pair of local ladies who ordered decaf coffee. I, of course, had made only regular. However, as I made their decaf, I sold them some Moravian sugar cake. They pronounced the shop "comforting". One of the ladies agreed to sell jams and jellies on consignment in the shop.

Then came the Chamber of Commerce director. Cafe au Lait (which he pronounces "au late"). "What's wrong with regular coffee?", I begin to wonder.

The next two were in town on business. She ordered chai and he ordered tea. No coffee. They also took sugar cake and I sold her one of John Harmon's nature photographs before she left. She is referring a woodworker to me.

Several locals came in for espresso but I don't have the La Pavoni ready to go yet. Missed sales.

Three high school kids came in at 3:30. They pronounced the shop "cool" and each took a cafe au chocolat and a biscotti. Two of them want to work part time in the shop. One of them played some guitar (quite good) and has a band who would be interested in playing at the coffee shop. The third works part-time for the local cablevision company and suggested they be carried on the local-access cablevision station. All begged me to stay open on Friday nights.

The last sale of the day was regular coffee to folks at a neighboring business.

Good start.

Oh, I did manage to finish "Outback at Backwoods Bean", complete with red-hot-chili-pepper lights on the walls.

I told you the facility was RED, didn't I?.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Really looks like a good start.

    You said: "Several locals came in for espresso but I don't have the La Pavoni ready to go yet. Missed sales."

    Missed sales? Of course, but why not: "Sorry, couldn't help my customers."

  2. Congratulations Dave and welcome to the world of free enerprise. "Free" becase you and the customers are the only boss.


  3. Love the bathroom signage! I can't believe you already sold a photograph! Glad the high school kids love it. You will have many customers to make up for those missed sales with them knowing about it and talking about it at school!


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