
As I rapidly approach my sixty-fifth birthday later this month, I am beginning to feel the effects of aging. My sense of balance is poor. My reaction time is slow. My muscles are weaker. And, I tend to fall quite often. This has no neurological cause other than the accumulation of the effects of aging. And, it's primary psychological effect is to make me even more grumpy.

I can find no resolution to the "problem" other than being more careful when balance is an issue. The real problem is knowing when a situation is an "issue" until I get that now familiar sensation of an out-of-control fall and rapid mental computations of how to minimize damage to myself and whatever I'm falling into. Technically, this is known as as an "Oh shit!" moment.

I don't mind the idea of dying, but this aging stuff is for the birds.


  1. "My sense of balance is poor. My reaction time is slow. My muscles are weaker. And, I tend to fall quite often." ....This is exactly how I feel after a 12 pack of Miller High Life.

  2. My problem is that I feel like that BEFORE the 12 pack!

  3. Well Dave, I’m about 11 years older. I will have number 76 on June 17th. I look at things like this, another birthday is better than the alternative…… Remembered what ole Satchel Paige said. “Don’t look back. Something might be gaining on you”.


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