Something New

I'm excited because I learned something new about myself today.

I was reading an article in New Yorker Magazine about quantum computing and the work that a British physicist, David Deutsch, is doing in that area. The fellow who wrote the article had visited the home of Deutsch and noticed a picture of Hugh Laurie, the actor who plays Dr. House on the television program House, hanging on the wall. House, of course, is the only television program I follow.

Deutsch, who also likes the program, described it as "a great program about epistemology." Now, epistemology is a part of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge. Deutsch points out that Dr. House is based on Sherlock Holmes (with Dr. Wilson as Dr. Watson). Like Holmes, Dr.  House holds that everything must have a reason, and, if we don't know that reason, it's not because it doesn't exist but rather because we don't know it. Holmes and House are, in fact, arch-rationalists.

That's me!  I'm a dyed-in-the-wool arch-rationalist. And, that's one reason I like both the television show and the Sherlock Holmes novels.

The other reason I like House? Well, that because he "sticks by his guns" and has that "You must have me confused with someone who gives a s**t about what you think" attitude.

Good man, Dr. House.


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