
 It seems that half of the 17,000 preschoolers who were suspended or expelled from schools in Pennsylvania in 2021 were black boys although they make up about 20 percent of enrolled children.This has, of course, been seen as racism by liberals. Indeed, in another study, teachers were more likely to persecute black boys and generally seemed to expect more disruptive behavior from black children. “If you’re looking for bad behavior, you’ll eventually find it.”


Could it be that the disruptive behavior from black children is actually at a rate 6 times higher higher than for non-black children? Possibly. Could it be that it because any observational bias of disruptive behavior from black children results in a rate 6 times higher higher than for non-black children? Probably not. If the behavior of blacks and non-blacks were the same and no observational bias existed, then only 7 black children would be expelled for ever 50 non-white children. But is not the case. The black expulsion rate is 7 times greater. Could observation bias account for that large a difference. Almost certainly not.

The fact is that antisocial behavior is significantly higher in the black segment of our population than in the non-black segment of our population.  We see it in not only in schools at all levels but in the general public as well where rates for all crimes are twice that of non-whites and murder rate are eight-fold that of non-blacks. Could bias on the part of law enforcement result in such a disparity? Very unlikely.

The time has come for our black community to grab the bull by the horn and recognize that the black community is an outlier when it comes to antisocial behavior. And it has largely done so in developing a black culture within the non-black culture. That same culture must now step forward and change its crime subculture. The time is long past for black and non-black alike to stop blaming the non-black community for their its unacceptable social and criminal behavior.

 Indeed, we are now seeing the unacceptable behavior of blacks blossom not only in their kindergarten children but also thorough all the their youth and young adults. 

You must want change for it to happen. And that begins at home.


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